
PC Services

Finding solutions to your computer problems

I provide the local comunity with a friendly, high quality and cost effective service for computer help, repairs and website services.

  • Flexible for a time that suits you.
  • Everything explained with no technical jargon.
  • Friendly service - No pressure when decision making.
  • Honest prices -No need to overcharge.

Some more information


Visits can be arranged around your timetable, I will adapt my schedule to be able to visit you as soon as possible and at a date and time that is convenient for you

No Technical Jargon

The only time somebody would use technical jargon is to cause confusion or cover up a problem, even us computer technicians dont use the jargon between ourselves in conversation. I will explain the problems and solutions to you in plain English.

Friendly Service

Being part of the local community, it is important to me that I can help everyone as much as I can and that there is no hesitation when it comes to making contact to ask some advice or if you have any questions.

Honest and Reasonable Pricing

There is never a need to overcharge for any product or service, it is simply not good business.